Mammotome Care that Drives Decisions
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Neoprobe® GDS: Dependable. Simple. Accurate.

Versatility Meets Dependability

The Neoprobe® Gamma Detection System adds value for every physician.

The Neoprobe® GDS opens the door to many possibilities for patient care in the oncology space.

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Whether it's lesion localization or Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB), the Neoprobe® GDS is the ideal solution for your breast cancer patients.

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The Neoprobe® GDS has expanded use outside of breast for SLNB including melanoma, parathyroid and other cancers.

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Accompanied by four different probes, the Neoprobe® GDS supports minimally invasive surgery, oncoplastic surgical techniques and more

Learn More About the Neoprobe® GDS