The Science of VAB

Is ultrasound VAB worth it? The data says yes.

Common misconceptions about Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy (VAB) devices in ultrasound-guided breast biopsy procedures.

Misconception #1

  • Core needle devices can get just as consistent of a diagnosis as VAB devices.


  • Mammotome VAB devices are designed to get larger tissue samples which may result in:
    • 11% improvement in sampling accuracy1,2
    • 83% reduction in underestimation rate1,2
    • 37% reduction in false-negative rate1,3
  • VAB can help get more tissue with each sample even with similar gauge sizes. A case study found that larger tissue samples mean more tissue to send for additional pathology testing from the same location. Additional pathology testing can lead to a more tailored treatment approach.4-6

Misconception #2

  • A larger gauge VAB needle causes more pain for patients.


  • Multiple studies show using single insertion VAB devices results in less or equivalent pain during, and equivalent pain after procedures, as compared to core needles despite larger gauge sizes (10G to 13G).2,3,7

Misconception #3

  • VAB devices require a lot of floor space and cords.


  • The Mammotome® Elite system is tetherless and has 90% of the default vacuum strength of tethered VAB devices. With the Mammotome® Elite system, no floor space is needed, just a small spot on a tabletop for the charging base.
Mammotome® Elite Tetherless System

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